Cha Ya is a non-profit association for the global fight against poverty, which concentrates its projects mainly on remote, hard-to-reach areas.
Nepal is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. The majority of the population fights daily for survival.
Poverty is high - too high!
Especially affected are children and women, minorities and people of the lowest castes - the untouchables (Dalits). Many people live on only one dollar a day. Only about 65% of the adults can read and write. Particularly in the remote villages and mountain regions, the education and health system is backward or sometimes non-existent.Government corruption, discrimination based on gender, caste, ethnicity or religion, child labour, trade and marriage are commonplace.
In addition, the long-lasting civil war and the severe earthquakes of 2015 have massively set back development in the country. The situation is improving only slowly.
We had the great luck to meet the founder and chairwoman of Chay Ya Austria Magistra Sabine Klotz in person and to get an overview of her work in Nepal. Chay Ya tackles injustices directly at the root and is dedicated to a world in which all people can live in dignity: The focus is on medical care, education, food security and equal opportunities for women and girls.
“Hunger and injustice are not destiny They are man-made! We can help to overcome them!"
Chay - Ya - Let's do it!

If you want to contribute to the improvement of the living situation in Nepal, you can do this directly on the association page of Chay Ya or in our webshop. It doesn't matter how much you donate. Every euro helps. With Chay Ya you can be sure that the money will go where it is needed - to the poorest and not to any inflated administrative structures. On Chay Ya's website everything is transparently broken down. Another reason why we decided to work together.
Further information about projects, sponsorships and volunteer work can be found at
is a non-profit association for the global fight against poverty, which concentrates its projects mainly on remote, hard-to-reach areas. Chay Ya comes from the Tibetan and means as much as "let´s do it". The association is mainly active in the Nepalese Himalayas in the sustainable fight against poverty. The project activities vary from humanitarian emergency aid, development of hygienic and medical basic supply up to school education of children, medical training of adults and reconstruction projects after the earthquake.